Lets talk movies because it is Golden Globes and soon Oscar time, not that I want particular talk about those because did not see them all but saw a bunch of movies and one of them was a French comedy with Vanessa Paradise and Romain Duris called “Heart breaker”. Very nice movie, the French are good at romantic comedies and Vanessa ( the wife of Johnny Depp if you did not know) is so beautiful and different, very well dressed and lovely and funny. I saw her once in the streets of Paris, no make up but so pretty and she smiled to me! Romain is very good too. Have a look at Vanessa, you can Google her, sorry did not get the link here!

Also saw Inception and it was OK, personally I don’t like all that shooting and blowing up of cars and buildings although one has to admire the special computer effects they can make and Leonardo is always good to see, none of the other actors left a picture on my mind. He is always very well dressed, did you notice? He is elegant in a his own particular way. You think he has a stylist who dresses him? But even so, he would have the last word so I think it is him.

The basic story is also very interesting and it won’t be too far off that these kind of things are really possible, they already are studying the chip thing where they plant a chip, they are tiny, in your neck or arm and connected to your brain so others can see what you think?!!! No really, there is an English Scientist seriously working on that and plans to do the experiment with his wife to read each others mind. Then we saw a wonderful Indian movie called: “Guzaarish” with Ashwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan both incredible actors and both very good looking, she is as gorgeous as was Sophia Loren, as modern as Angela Jolie and as good an actress as Betty Davis. Yet, I am sure you never heard of her. It is also very well directed and the picture is awesome. The story is about a magician who because of an accident becomes lame and can only move his head and he wants to die after living for 12 years with that, A tear-sucker, I know, but the Indians when they are good … Oh and by the way the story plays in Goa, which is of course in India, but since the time it belonged to the Portuguese a lot of western customs were introduced and Goa also became a “Colony” of free thinkers and surfers, good life seekers and retired employees of any kind, sure you heard about it. The first time I was there, 1961, there were just splendid white empty beaches too beautiful for words, ten years later when I went back there with Salvador and Alejandro, it was crowded with foreigners, it looked like Woodstock. Anyway liked the movie. We also have seen the original Swedish “The girl with the Dragon tattoo” movies and honestly I don’t see why they have to make an American version, its perfect as it is, the girl is incredible. We saw it already a while ago and yes, wonderful, but now they are making such a fuzz about the American version by the same director who made “the Social network” which I did not see yet but is in my opinion a very interesting subject because we are actually using Face Book….… am very curious, see you there…
Maybe you would like to try your hands on this cake, it is easy and delicious, only danger is to get addicted. Anyway I have made it a hundred times and it always comes out a little different although I always use the same recipe. It’s called “Quatre Quarts” by the famous Tante Marie. You take lets say : 3 eggs, you weigh them, yes you need a little scale, then you put the equivalent amount of butter, sugar and flour. Separate the eggs, mix softened butter, yolks ( a few drops of lemon if you like or chopped nuts) and sugar, don’t forget a pinch of salt, blend in flour and lastly blend in the stiff beaten egg whites and voila! About 20 min ( or until knife comes out dry) oven at 375. I am not that great a cook but everybody likes this one, try…. and happy munching!