Yes, it happens that a picture of you gets published without being paid for it or without permission of the person who’s face or person is used for commercial purposes. With this I count the covers because after all the magazine often sells by its cover. The first time it happened to me when I was still studying and was looking at sculptures in an open air exhibition and someone took this picture,

Fine, next thing it is on the cover of ” De Katolieke Illustratie” ( The Catholic Illustration).

OK, OK I liked it, because well, it strokes your vanity, right? Nice picture too but still they could have asked to say the least. Next came this cover and I must say I really love this picture because it is natural, I mean we were just walking in the street of Ibiza and someone took a picture,

have no idea who, but saw it years later by accident somewhere and it is of course more rare for a model to be on a cover without having posed for it, that is why I like it, me and Alejandro. Still, again, would have been correct if they had asked permission. I guess it happens a lot and wonder if that is legal now at this day, for sure it was OK then to use someone’s face for anything if the photographer decided to sell it because he had it and it was a shot probably done during a fashion shoot, this book cover is by Helmut Newton, again I like the picture because it is also one shot in between? Wonder what photographers think of that. Found this book at a second-hand bookstore in Amsterdam.

but had seen it years before and had made my agent attend on it but they said they could do nothing because the picture was the photographers property! Honestly one feels a little bit abused. If you think about it could be used for anything… this is decent and really when one is working as a model it is hard to keep track because by the time the pictures come out you are somewhere else and except if you did some great shoots with a good photographer you would check it, but impossible to check everything. A whole other thing is when it becomes a bit sneaky like in the next 2 pictures








The first one is a fashion session with Helmut Newton for NOVA, the wonderful avant-garde magazine and when the session was finished he asked me to do some with a lipstick, I thought nothing of it and with Helmut it is always fun to pose and I thought well, the lips on the blouse he wants to make a funny picture…, and well, he would give me sometimes originals too. Any case only a few years ago I saw the lipstick picture for the first time and was never asked or informed about it or paid for it. Everybody knows that for magazines editorials you get paid very little, it is rather an honour and it will give you automatically more commercial work and there is where you made the butter for the bread… any case, that is how it is, please let me know your thoughts, am I the only one?

Not much news otherwise except I like to say we saw ” A single man” by Tom Ford and I think it is a great movie, rare these days I would almost say and I am not a particular fan of Tom Ford.
Must admit he has a lot of charm and knows how to be in the lime light and has an admirable energy but I personally don’t like his Fashion designs too much, for man it is excellent I think, like Armani used to be in the 80 ties, looking good on everybody and still standing out like elegant. Well, this movie was all perfect as far as I am concerned, great story, great acting, great directing, great styling, great music and really great photography. Congratulations to Tom Ford and I would think he should stick mostly to making movies!

On an other tone I inform you that our lovely cat, called MOMI, did not come home for a week already but instead we found this creature… had never seen one from near, it is alive here but after hanging for a few days on the wall she left this life this morning…….

23 thoughts on “WITHOUT PERMISSION…..”

  1. Love it! yes that seems so crazy that they can do that! I don’t think it is so easy these days but maybe? Can be sort of funny to see a forgotten picture after years but how do you feel about it? maybe used a bit? well nevertheless I am happy to see them, the one when you were at the museum looking at art is great, sooo beautifully natural but those lips are POW! and the other with little Alejandro is gorgeous! I love the cover of the “lonely lady” book, I actually have that book…has nothing to do with you but your face and eyes!! love the picture…and the pin up pictures I always really liked too, I want some like that! Thank you for sharing, we want more!

  2. You do know, don’t you, that you could have, should have, called the magazine and threatened to sue them unless they paid you. To use someone’s image without a release form being signed is against the law. Barry Lategan did a test shot of me once and later sold it. He sent me a cheque for a one-hour fee. Cheap git.

  3. It is indeed very different. I believe I’m correct in saying that if a magazine publishes something without permission they can be sued. Also if one is to submit photographs to photo libraries like i stock photos – should there be any person photographed in a shot, a signed release to give permission from that person is mandatory. Libraries won’t take them without this, so I imagine it’s the same now for anything which shows one’s face! Lovely photos, particularly the one in Ibiza. lovexxx

  4. you’re right Willy, it’s disgraceful. They’re lovely pictures all the same and for the rest I concur with Carol. I have used still photographs and filmed shots where we couldn’t get release forms signed by everybody, but always heeded legal advice. But it’s very nice to see you in those pictures and of course looking great. Love and xxx, Stan

  5. Yes, as you say the first time it happens it’s OK because you’re young and in a way it’s flattering, but when you’re working and you earnings depend on your appearances in the media it’s like being stolen of what’s yours! I always wondered about that picture on the cover of Panorama because it appeared on the cover about three years later, no?

    Probably now it’s different, but it still happens, specially since pictures one uploads on internet have a very vague status. I just saw something Di posted on fb about a t-shirt from Zara with a picture of a girl they used without permission!!!

  6. Your pretty in all the photos, flattering but of course not fair if your not getting paid where does it end? or begin? today cameras are every where its kinda scary Big Brother is always watching.

  7. Could be difficult to find skillful persons on this subject topic, you seem like you are aware of exactly what you are preaching about! Cheers

  8. very interesting that Di posted that at more or less the same time, yes, like I said one feels a bit abused, like when they steal something from you but also I should have been more attentive to those things but when you are working you have no time for anything leave alone checking on everybody else. Thanks for your input, Peace

  9. Thank you sweetheart, yes yhey did something funny to the eyes, maybe to make it look less like me? Like it though and love you

  10. I think the photographer still would have to have a release from the model.

    I once posed for Barbieri on a shoot for Italian Vogue. The covered me in white make up and put a bald cap on me and then glued sugar cubes all over my head. My lips, lashes and eyebrows were painted white and sugar was stuck to my face. I was supposed to look like I was made of sugar. I looked very wierd. But the picture was never run in Vogue.

    A few years later I was in West Berlin with some friends walking down one of the main streets. There was a Sex Shop with a store window. In the window were all kinds of vibrators and other sex toys. There was no attempt at hiding them from children. But guess what was the background of this display? The picture of me as a giant poster! There I was, overlooking all the various objects. I cannot imagine how it landed in a sex shop. It was the least sexy picture I ever saw. My friends laughed and we went in to buy the poster. My guess is that Barbieri sold it to a stock photo company and they sold it to the poster company. Technically I had signed a release when I did the shot. The Voucher was a release form.

    Thanks for sharing this story.

  11. Ha ha, thats incredible and we laugh but really! Yes, I guess they can be tricky with that and in Europe I don’t remember signing any voucher. The case of the lipstick and the book cover were some shots in between and after and nothing to do with the actual session one was booked for. An Thank you very much for your input, was waiting for that and so yes, it happened to a lot of us, Kecia had some stories too but I do think that now it is more organized? Love

  12. Lara, I did tell my agency but it was years later they publishred it and the book cover the agency checked it and they ( the book people) said they had bought the picture form Helmut Newton and that was it, the agency would not contact Helmut I guess for the same reaso that if you are rich and famous you can get away with anything…, you know what I am saying? And using a picture done in my sparetime for a publicity , I think is completely out of line. Thanks for your input

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